Your weekly update from the Iowa Medical Society

April 5, 2024


Last chance to provide testimony: Policy Forum 24-1


The Testimony Forum period of IMS Policy Forum 24-1 closes tonight at 11:59 p.m. Friday, April 5. You are encouraged to provide comments on the following three policy request statements (PRSs) submitted during the Call to Action period:


  1. PRS 24-1-01: Alcohol Withdrawal Management
  2. PRS 24-1-02: Transparency of Medical Titles and the Use of "Doctor"
  3. PRS 24-1-03: Use of Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer Program for Children to Reduce Childhood Food Insecurity

Your comments will help to inform discussion at the April 19 Policy Forum meeting where IMS leadership establishes and amends official policy. 


🚨 See below for updated instructions on how to provide feedback:

  1. Navigate to the new IMS Info Hub log-in page
  2. Create a new account with the same email address that you use with the Iowa Medical Society
  3. Check your email for a new message from the Iowa Medical Society
  4. Follow the link to create your account and provide testimony

Last call for President's Reception Registration


The Iowa Medical Society will host this year's President's Reception and Awards Ceremony, the evening of Friday, April 19 at Hotel Fort Des Moines. During the reception, Christina Taylor, MD will be honored as the 175th President of the Iowa Medical Society. Registration is open on the IMS website. Click the button for more information and to RSVP. Please note registration, which is required to attend the event, closes April 14. 



Check out these IMS education webinars


Student Webinar Series: Finances for Medical Students - April 10

This webinar will help you gain a better understanding of student loan choices and personal financial choices while in medical school and training, choosing a practice and/or possibly buying into a practice, philanthropy throughout your career, and other money matters that affect physicians. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and learn from a physician who has been in your shoes. 

CE Webinar Series: IPOST Training - April 16

The IPOST form is a dynamic and actionable provider order form that has been in use in Iowa for over a decade. It is part of the national Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) movement which has been pushing to drive critical conversations, through shared decision making, and capture them in a provider order that is both transportable and clearly actionable towards the patients spoken goals and wishes. Understanding how to utilize the form is paramount to helping defragment a health system that is often riddled with challenges in communication between providers. Join us for this April 16 training!

Physician Health & The Iowa Physician Health Program - May 21

Join us on Tuesday, May 21 for the Physician Health & The Iowa Physician Health Program where we will talk about the role of the Iowa Physician Health Program, how physicians can utilize the Iowa Physician Health Program, and how the Iowa Physician Health Program works with the enforcement division and licensing division. Register today!


Crucial Conversations: May 10, 2024

Join us for a Crucial Conversations® For Mastering Dialogue: Healthcare training session on May, 10, 2024The training is a one-day, condensed workshop that provides foundational skills of crucial conversations, modeled after the Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue: Healthcare Training workshop, with the latest tools, resources, and skills designed for healthcare professionals.


2024 MISP Value Pathway (MVP) Registration Now Open

The Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Value Pathways (MVPs) registration window is open for the 2024 performance year. Individuals, groups, subgroups, and Alternative Payment Model (APM) Entities that wish to report an MVP can register until December 2, 2024, at 8 p.m. ET.

NEW FOR 2024: To register, you’ll sign in to the QPP website with your HCQIS Access and Roles Profile (HARP) account. This is different from the 2023 process of completing an Excel form and emailing the QPP Service Center.

You must have a HARP account and QPP Security Official role to complete the MVP Registration.



Upcoming IMS Events:

View more events and education opportunities on the IMS website.

Webinar Archive:


Thank you to our Strategic Partners:

Thank you to this week's Featured Partner:


Iowa Medical Society

515 E Locust Street, Suite 400 | Des Moines, IA 50309

(515) 223-1401

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