Physician Day on the Hill
Physician Day on the Hill
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Physician Day on the Hill
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
State Historical Building | Des Moines Iowa
10:30 AM Registration Opens
11:00 AM Welcome and introductions – Auditorium
Steven W. Churchill, Chief Executive Officer, Iowa Medical Society
Christi Taylor, MD, President, Iowa Medical Society
11:15 AM IMS Public Service Leadership Award Presentation
Seth Brown, Director of Government Relations, Iowa Medical Society
Christina Taylor, MD, President, Iowa Medical Society
11:25 AM Keynote Address
12:10 PM Legislative Update / Q&A
Seth Brown, Director of Government Relations, Iowa Medical Society
Kate Walton, IMS Contract Lobbyist
Matt Eide, IMS Contract Lobbyist
12:45 PM Overview of Our Time at the Capitol and Housekeeping Items
Seth Brown, Director of Government Relations, Iowa Medical Society
12:50 PM Lunch and networking – Goldfinch Classroom
1:45 PM Walk to Capitol
2:00 PM Group Photo on First Floor Stairs near Rotunda
2:15 PM Legislative reception and meetings with legislators
Capitol First Floor Rotunda
4:00 PM Reception concludes
4:15 PM Bus Departs for Iowa City from Capitol
600 E. Locust St.
Des Moines, IA 50319 United States